Monday, October 29, 2018

Dogshit & Deterioration


This bag was photographed on October 7th.  It's an example of a dog owner who picks up their pet's shit but leaves it behind for someone else to handle proper disposal.  Now the bag is falling apart and the shit will end up on the sidewalk.  Take Pride, Plattsburgh City!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but it's YOUR responsibility to pick it up, since you're the one who discovered it.
    Don't you know that failure to take care of messes you discover makes you just as complicit as the one(s) who actually created the
    Like, for example, some asshat spits on the pavement. Well, if you come across it walking on the sidewalk you're obliged to pull out a tissue and scoop it up and toss tissue in the nearest trash receptacle ...
