Monday, June 19, 2017

City Hall Dirty Diaper: Day 6


Apparently the answer to the dirty diaper in the City Hall parking lot is out of sight, out of mind.  As you can see from the accompanying photo a vehicle has squished the diaper into a mud puddle, obscuring its true form.  Take Pride, Plattsburgh!

Previous posts:

Friday, June 16, 2017

Same Crap, Different Day

PLATTSBURGH CITY, NY -- June 16,2017

Two days ago I posted an image of a dirty diaper in the City Hall Parking lot.  This evening I discovered that the same diaper is still there, a lovely decoration for all to enjoy this weekend as evinced in the accompanying photo.  Apparently no city employee can ID a dirty diaper or maybe they don't have the motivation to have it removed.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Gee, That Must Be Wet Mud

It's been a drizzly/rainy day.  So that pile of brown stuff on the sidewalk must a soaked clump of mud that fell off someone's boot.  No dog owner would be so rude...

On second thought...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Welcome To City Hall Dog Toilet

By Luke T. Bush

PLATTSBURGH CITY, NY - Feb. 22, 2017

Besides BS you can also associate DS with Plattsburgh City Hall.

As reported in a previous post dogshit was left on City Hall grounds.  The problem hasn't been alleviated: it is being constantly refreshed as evinced by the accompanying photos.  Someone is using City Hall lawns as part of a regular dog walk routine, meaning the culprit should be easy to catch.

A perfect theme song for downtown is Slip Slidin' Away by Paul Simon.  Snow and ice during the winter with unshoveled sidewalks and dogshit any time of the year.

Friday, January 20, 2017

City Hall Dog Park

A matter of respect.  As I've said many times before it's not the dog, it's the pig on the other end of the leash.  Take Pride, Plattsburgh City!